
Curiosity. Kids come into this world full of curiosity. They are always looking around. I imagine infant brains even trying to make sense of everything going on around them. They are learning and trying to figure out how things piece together. As they get older, they ask questions, often asking “why” a lot. We feel as though we need to be able to answer everything and that everything has a rational answer. The crazy thing about God is that there is no rationale. As much as we want to know, as much as we want to rationalize, as much as we want the pieces to fit together, there is just so much more to God than we can ever imagine. God is a never-ending puzzle that keeps us wondering.

When we are curious about something we want to know more. We want to share more. We want to ask more. We want to talk more. And if we can live into the mystery of never knowing everything, there is freedom in imagining what God could possibly be up to. If we live into the mystery and stop trying to make the pieces fit together there may just be something amazing to be searched for and found. May we be curious, not alone but together. May we be curious about ourselves. May we be curious about God. May we be curious about our relationship with God. May we be curious to hear from one another to continue to grow our curiosities to continue to search. Search for ourselves. Search for one another. Search for God.

May we always be curious!

Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18

Sermon Details
Date: Jun 02, 2024
Category: God
Speaker: Michelle Price