Rahab - Unlikely Woman Used by God

There is so much hate out in the world today. There is so much division. There is so much of the idea “that we have it right, you have it wrong”. But what if we simply put ourselves next to “those” people we divide ourselves from. What if we put ourselves next to “those” people we don’t share the same beliefs with. Who may be waiting for their life to change by our faith? Who may be waiting to change our lives?

There are people out there, just like Rahab who know, but are waiting for us to not judge and simply go where we are called.  One prostitute changed the lives of many, who are other people we may look down upon that are ready to change their lives, and the lives of others, if we are simply willing to meet them where they are? I am not Joshua, and you are not spies, but as we go out of these doors this morning, I send you out into the world ready to seek out our community. Go “spy” on those in the community we ignore and simply be open to where it may lead. You all know the places we don’t go “because”.

Get rid of the because and go. Go see the downtrodden. Go see the addicts. Go see those without. Go see those we believe are “playing the system”. Go see the harlot. Go see the smelly and questionable ones. No one says you must go alone. There were 2 spies and Jesus sent followers out in groups.  I pray they don’t have to hide you, but I do pray that God is already ahead of us preparing the way for our arrival.

Joshua 2

Hebrews 11:31

Sermon Details
Date: May 12, 2024
Speaker: Michelle Price