The Holy Breath of God

May 19, 2024
Michelle Price

Dry Bones. Laying in a valley. That is where the Lord takes Ezekiel in a vision. The Lord asks the prophet Ezekiel if these bones can live. What would be our immediate response? No way, no how. The bones are dried up. There is nothing left on them. These people, these soldiers are gone. But Ezekiel had a different response: “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.”

Ezekiel is charged with prophesying to the people that the bones will live. The Lord will breathe life back into the Israelites, no matter where they are. The Lord will bring them back together in their land. This is going to be a time of restoration and regeneration. I know who you are Israel. I know whose you are. But do you remember who I am and that you are mine. I will care for you. Just as the dry bones came to life, you also will come back to life.

I imagine the people in the book of Acts may have felt the same way as the people during the time of Ezekiel. We the people are separated, coming from all over. Jesus, our leader, has left us. They sat and they waited. They were empty, wondering…Will the bones live?

As they waited. As they wondered. The Holy Spirit comes down, like tongues of flames upon each of them. Now we need to know that Pentecost was a typical holiday celebrated by the Jews, but this breath made it quite a new day! They were able to share the good news in languages they could never speak before. The Holy Spirit brought the bones back to life. They were brought back in a new way.

What once seemed impossible, now becomes possible. There is hope in God’s breath.

Ezekiel 37:1-14/Acts 2:1-21